Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 6, 2015 5:37:12 GMT
You will love what I have to say.
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 6, 2015 5:51:42 GMT
So as of I don't really dislike anyone.. Out of everyone I've talked to Spencer, Jaclyn, Silas, and Chelsea the most. So I'm gonna work on becoming close with them.
And another thing, these people who got over 1000 post in the challenge, they literally sat at the computer all day just posting.. I'm glad I managed to find a good spot in the middle so I didn't waste my life posting 24/7.
Anyway, Thats all for now, I will be back at another time to talk more shit.
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 7, 2015 23:56:02 GMT
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 8, 2015 17:40:38 GMT
Losing this challenge was no shock to me. That damn puzzle was hard.. But then again certain people aren't even trying, where as I at least attempted..
I talk to Chelsea, Crystal, and Jaclyn last night about voting out Tina, so the OLD HAG should be going.. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 9, 2015 22:07:12 GMT
So everyone pretty much decided that Colton should be the one to go.. Colton and me sort of had an alliance but he didn't talk to me a lot so I don't think it was that legit. He seems nice but I'm not being captain save a hoe and trying to get him to stay. He made the mistake of trying to switch the vote off Keith the first tribal, so honeyy enjoy that sinking ship you're on. I absolutely love Jaclyn, she is my final 2. She is so sweet and I know I can trust her. I plan on keeping Spencer in my back pocket in case something happens. But tribal should be easy, hopefully I start winning cause I'm tired of feeling nervous for it. Next tribal though, it won't be as easy cause everyone is active, so guys we shall see what happens next. 31.media.tumblr.com/7e5ddafcd762fd9392da8861cdc6265d/tumblr_inline_n1qgdycVtl1qj29iy.gif
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 12, 2015 0:23:42 GMT
I am seriously fucking terrible at these challenges. My 3rd time going to tribal.. I'm glad that people like Jaclyn and Crystal lost because I know they don't want me out. But the vote was between Marcus and Josh, Both haven't put in a real effort to talk to me so I couldn't give two fucks if either went. But seriously I lose another comp like I'm gonna fucking be pissed I need to be safe for round... 33.media.tumblr.com/b181df61274a2b25e97841d7b0432591/tumblr_nl0na7lFNQ1r5pycvo2_500.gif
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 14, 2015 21:00:46 GMT
Haven't been here for a few days so lets catch up. I'm so sad Jaclyn isn't on my tribe, me and her were getting really close. But I do like my new tribe, I have a lot of good players who are gonna carry me through to the merge. I like that Crystal, Chelsea, and Spencer are on my tribe. I feel like I can trust them going forward. Now this challenge we did, was fucking annoying. I would have much preferred a puzzle. I'm pretty sure the word I had wasn't even a real word, and Silas just made it up and the host got bored of watching us sit there for 20 minutes. But who is the joke on cause my tribe won? Bad luck Silas better luck next time.. I'm so excited I don't have to go to tribal. I was so sick of voting people out, so sick of feeling nervous. I have been playing this game super calm, but I am just waiting for a bitch to get out of line, cause it will be going down. First time I hear my name being thrown around to be voted out shit will be on and popping. 33.media.tumblr.com/fda83e38fdddac6a207868d0e0da5961/tumblr_msl2ahE6rF1s7bkc7o1_400.gif
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 17, 2015 0:36:04 GMT
Well guys, I new final four was made with Crystal, Chelsea, Spencer, and myself. We will have a tie no matter what happens tonight.. We did some shady shit last night. We told Erinn and Sierra that we want to vote for Kathy, so they think the 6 of us are voting for Kathy. Meanwhile the 4 of us are going to vote for Dan, cause Dan is a shady loser with no life who felt the need to throw me under the bus.. Yeah you thought I wouldn't hear about that, well you're wrong bitch. Your days are numbered. You may have thought you could pull the wool over my eyes, but you were wrong.. If the vote goes my way tonight, then I should be set to merge. Our four is tight, and when we merge I can get Jaclyn to work with us, so we should be fucking unstoppable. 31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdroa9AN6N1qgcra2o1_500.gif
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 17, 2015 2:26:24 GMT
BYE DAN! Bye sweetie.. You fucking failed miserably with that plan... Don't ever try to switch the vote to me again! Fucking moronic fool.. You weren't even the vote until you opened your big fat mouth. I hope you have fun in Jury,, oh wait you didn't even make it... And I know damn well you didn't make the DVD cover cause you're boring and extra.. You need to stand in the corner next time, and shut up.. 31.media.tumblr.com/16d99018798e6840e8dd4c1095689733/tumblr_mwodimg53e1ql5yr7o1_250.gif
Post by Host Aras on Mar 17, 2015 15:24:19 GMT
+1 point for New York gif
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 17, 2015 18:29:56 GMT
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 17, 2015 18:30:51 GMT
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 18, 2015 2:08:52 GMT
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 18, 2015 2:19:52 GMT
Post by Adam Gentry on Mar 18, 2015 15:46:21 GMT
Last night Kathy tried talking to me..
Bitch go on somewhere..
I mean after all I do annoy you.
I hope you enjoy your game, cause it's about to end.